Friday, February 7, 2014


If you had asked me a year ago, putting Selena and rehab in the same sentence would've shocked me. But it is 2014, and anything can happen.

It turns out she had a reason for cancelling the Australian tour (most people assumed it was because of ticket sales). Instead of jetting down under, Selena spent two weeks in Arizona at a rehab center (weirdly known for treating celebrities such as Matthew Perry and Whitney Houston). TMZ claims it was because of alcohol issues, however Selena's rep states that it was mainly because of exhaustion - "She's been working nonstop since she was 15 and wants to take a minute to herself." Fair enough I say.

TMZ also claims that Selena left rehab a month before she was meant to, because she decided that she'd already fully recovered. "She was signed up for a 45-day treatment program, but checked out after only two weeks so she could attend the Sundance Film Festival to promote her new movie." From what it seems, she was "burnt out" and generally just needed a break. Although, it is strange that anyone would spend $4000 a night, for simply being over worked.

"Does she party and have the occasional joint? Yes. Does she drink when she goes out? Yes. But she’s not struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism. I’ve never seen her out of control. There’s no needle dangling out of her arm."

I've already seen people trying to put two and two together and add Justin into the mix, but in my opinion, they are both completely separate. Its a great possibility that Selena genuinely was just tired, and even if it was something more serious, the chances of it stemming from anything Justin did is unlikely.
Get better sooooon Sel :)

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