Friday, March 7, 2014

Will it ever end?

If you take Justin Bieber, one of the most talked about boys in the media alone (with his fair share of crazy stunts in the last month) and combine that with Selena Gomez (another role model and well talked about actress in the industry) you get a power couple. What I didn't know 3 years ago, when the two started dating, is that people would still actually care about their relationship in 2014.

Things started going rocky for the couple in 2012. 2012. THAT'S 2 YEARS AGO. So why am I still seeing them run headlines almost everyday, despite the fact that they've been apart for over a year now? Why is it that people can't use one of their names in a sentence without using the other. For example, after Justin's DUI situation (something I'm not going to go into because I could literally go on for so long about it) everyone asked this - "Do you think Selena made him do this?' "Do you think he's crumbling without Selena?" "Why is he always screwing up because Selena isn't there?"

Similarly, when Gomez was in rehab, people automatically jumped to the conclusion that it was because of her ex. "Selena's in rehab for drug issues? It must have SOMETHING to do with Justin." Now, I'm not denying that it didn't have anything to do with him, but the chances are small. The chances of either of them doing something because of the other person is small. The chance of them even still being in CONTACT is very, very small.

Apparently even the court in Miami asked Justin about his failed relationship and if it had any influence on his drug use or other crimes. Not surprisingly this angered him and caused even more of a problem for both him and his entourage.

But clearly Justin is still thinking about Gomez considering he posted a picture of her on instagram with the caption - "most elegant princess in the world." Its cute that he cares, but also a little bit sad and worrying on a few different levels.

The media has run the river of Jelena dry. There must have been thousands of articles about the two only the last few years. This shows what happens when you combine two well known people with very intense followings. The fact is, there really isn't another celebrity couple that is reported about or talked about as Jelena was or is. Social media has influenced fan followings in an indescribable way, and has shaped how people view celebrity couples, especially young couples.

All I can say is, I hope the two find what they want to do in their own light and aren't constantly being reminded of one another. Although, there is a tiny bit inside of me that hopes that one day they will be back.


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