Monday, March 17, 2014

Harry's new bachelor pad...

I've heard through the grapevine that Styles has just splashed out on a new place....worth 2.6 million pounds to be exact.

Although, 2.6 million doesn't sound like that much when you're worth 20 million alone, and 100 million with your friends standing next to you.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he is just a little fond of Cali, little did anyone know he was spending time there house hunting, (in between going to all of those concerts and such).

"Harry's only told a few people and not many people know the exact location of the pad, but it is fairly spectacular, with an outdoor pool, home entertainment room and gym."

Outdoor pool? Outrageous. I would be more impressed if it was an indoor pool.

So, does this mean he's going to be going around for a BBQ at Bruce Jenner's place? I assume they live somewhere near each other with a golf course separating them..

And what happened to Harry's place in London which is apparently "unlivable" because of he still sleeping on couches when he's in the UK? I'm sure Grimmy is more than happy to accommodate his flat for his lanky friend anyway..

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