Saturday, March 15, 2014

Demi - twitter activist

My thoughts on Demi change more than Demi herself changes her hair color. Sometimes, you can't help but love her...but then there are other times where you just kind of want to pat her on the head and tell her to calm down. This is one of those times.

It's no secret that Demi has been open in the past few years about the struggles of addiction, eating disorders, bullying, and lots of other issues that MAJORLY affect so many people all over the world. So, naturally, I don't know why I was surprised that she tweeted her feelings about Lady Gaga's puking stunt.
The thing is, I don't really know whether to agree with her or take Gaga's side. I'm not a big fan of Gaga but I know by now that the things she does on stage and the stunts she pulls aren't really to be taken seriously. Having said this, I understand the angle in which Demi is looking at this, I'm just not sure if it's the right one. Considering Gaga has battled an eating disorder in the past, it's unlikely she was trying to glorify it in any way, and more likely she was trying to educate her audience (who clearly understand her better) and express herself in...well, the way Lady Gaga does. It is more about an artistic and creative vision than a statement or a performance, and yes, perhaps this could be damaging, but telling someone to "not do" what they love to do, isn't the way forward either. The term "art" and "artistic vision" seem to be how artists all over the world structure and vision their performance, and as the audience, I think people either understand it and take to it, or they just don't. An activist to me is someone who stands up for what they believe in, but all I see is Demi sharing the fact that she's being offended by something that wasn't meant to be offensive in the first place. 
Statistically in the entertainment industry, artists have slowly started to open up more and more to develop audience relationships. I feel as though 2014 is the start of some jaw dropping performances...and if you are a little sensitive, maybe its best to just sit this one out. 

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